ADA Compliance Services in Fort Wayne
Since the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990, mobility and access to public spaces became a right for all. While most associate ADA compliance with wide doorways, handrails, elevators and other accessible features to get into buildings, parking lots must have specific features, too. At Asphalt Authority, we're well-versed in ADA compliance, offering services to ensure your parking lot is up to code and accessible for all. Our ADA parking lot compliance services are available to commercial property owners throughout Fort Wayne, Indiana.
What is ADA Parking Lot Compliance?
Federal law requires all commercial properties to have features inside and out that help improve accessibility to those with disabilities and mobility issues. Indiana laws also require commercial properties to have ADA compliant parking lots. Failing to comply with state and federal law can lead to steep penalties and potential legal liabilities, so it's not something you can or should ignore!
How Many Handicap Parking Spots Does My Property Need for ADA Compliance?
One of the most important requirements for ADA parking lots is the availability of handicap parking spots. These spots are larger and have accessible lanes to accommodate those with wheelchairs or other assisted mobility devices. These spots have specific parking space dimensions. They must be at least 96 inches wide in Indiana. Furthermore, access lanes adjacent to these spots must be a minimum of 60 inches wide with no obstructions.
The number of handicap parking spots your property needs depends on how many vehicles it can accommodate. To understand ADA parking requirements, consider the number of spots with standard parking space dimensions your lot currently has.
For parking lots with up to 25 spaces, you must have a single ADA parking spot. Lots with up to 50 need two, and so on. For larger lots with 100 parking spaces or more, the number of handicap parking spots required increases for every 50 standard spots. Therefore, a 200-space lot needs five accessible spots. From there, the required handicap spots increase for every 100 standard spaces.
What Other Features Does My Lot Need for ADA Compliance?
ADA parking requirements don't stop at standard handicap spots. More precise requirements also govern parking space dimensions, shared common access aisles, larger van-accessible spots and more. ADA compliant parking lots also need clear signage with appropriate symbols, accessible ramps, marked crossing zones, etc.
Why Trust Asphalt Authority for ADA Parking Lot Compliance Service?
As you can see, ADA parking requirements are complex. What your property needs to remain compliant varies on many factors. You must work with an experienced contractor to ensure full ADA parking compliance. Asphalt Authority can help you navigate the challenges of ADA compliance, understand your requirements and install the necessary features to comply fully with state and federal law. It's our goal to improve accessibility to parking lots throughout Fort Wayne, and we work closely with property owners to make it happen. We're committed to handling every detail and ensuring our clients have ADA compliant parking lots.
In addition to planning and executing ADA-compliant features, Asphalt Authority is available for asphalt paving, resurfacing, sealcoating, lot striping, repair, crack repair, traffic signage, warehouse markings and more.
Call Asphalt Authority at (260)450-4976, email info@asphalt-authority.com or use our online contact to reach out and get your free quote.
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